The Whiskey Rebellion challenges the government’s authority

August 26, 1794

George Washington is the first and only president to lead troops in the field while holding the office. He reviews assembled troops at Fort Cumberland during the rebellion in Pennsylvania. His action demonstrates that government can use military force to support its will, to tax its citizens and to suppress violent resistance to its laws.

George Washington takes the field in military uniform for the last time to subdue a growing rebellion against a tax on whiskey and show western Pennsylvania farmers that the government enforces its central role.

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Marylanders dominate baseball’s third base

William “Judy” Johnson finishing his 17th baseball season with the Negro League in 1937, is named the League’s best 3rd baseman. Brooks Robinson, born in 1937, finishing 23 seasons with the Orioles, is named the best 3rd baseman in Major League history.

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Land Recognition

We acknowledge the enduring presence of many American Indian tribes who once lived in Maryland and who now, having lost their lands, live in a diaspora. Read more.

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