First American College of Dentistry chartered

The Samuel Harris Museum of Dentistry

The first American College of Dentistry is chartered in 1840 by the Maryland Assembly through the efforts of Dr. Horace H. Hayden (1769-1844), the first licensed American dentist and his student, Dr. Chapin A. Harris (1806-1860), the first dean of the College. Before the College, there is no successful effort to turn dentistry into a formal profession. The two founders “recognized the need for systematic formal education as the foundation for a scientific dental profession. Together they played a major role in establishing and promoting formal dental education, and in the development of dentistry as a profession.” A series of consolidations leads to the present Maryland School of Dentistry as part of the University of Maryland Baltimore.

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Reaper developed on Carroll County Farm

Jacob R. Thomas, a Carroll County farmer, assembles a wheat reaping machine in 1811 and tries it out locally. It doesn’t cut well, but the first experiment with a mechanical reaper ushers in the age of agricultural machinery.

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Land Recognition

We acknowledge the enduring presence of many American Indian tribes who once lived in Maryland and who now, having lost their lands, live in a diaspora. Read more.

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